Maisha Care Ltd.

Babysitter and Nann​y Service in Bangladesh.

Baby Care at Home Service is one of our services where we take care of your darling child. In this service, our skilled and trained babysitter team is taking care of your darling baby at your home or hospital with 8/12/24 hours of service. Babysitter and Nanny Service in Bangladesh.

With thousands of jobs in this busy city life, you can choose to take care of your baby with our Baby Care at Home service. Don't worry, contact us today.
Babysitting is a type of temporary child care. Although babysitting can be a paid profession for anyone, it is most commonly associated with adolescent girls who are not yet of legal working age. It offers freedom from parental oversight, disposable income, and an introduction to childcare methods.

Babysitter and Nanny Service in Bangladesh.

Your loved ones are more pricious to you than your own life but due to various reasons including busy work, living abroad or family conflicts, you may not have the opportunity to serve your loved ones despite your wishes.
You worry about the safety and well-being of your ailing elderly loved one.
Based on those human values, we have been providing 8, 12 or 24 hours care or service to the elderly in need of care throughout Bangladesh for a long time. We are always at your needs.
 Baby nanny services and our other services include:-

  • side for your needs.​ baby nanny services.
  • Newborn care basics include:
  • Handling a newborn
  • Changing diapers.
  • Bathing.
  • Dressing.
  • Swaddling.
  • Feeding and burping.
  • Cleaning the umbilical cord.
  • Caring for a healing circumcision.
  • Using a bulb syringe to clear the baby’s nasal passages.
  • Taking a newborn’s temperature.
  • Tips for soothing the baby.

Baby Care At Home BD.

Tired of sitting in long traffic on the way to the doctor? Get quality healthcare at home without wasting your precious time in traffic. Nursing Home Care BD's experienced and skilled nurse/caregiver will arrive at your home in just one phone call! Babysitter and Nanny Service in Bangladesh.
Call: 📞01315092095 for in-home care by trained health workers
We provide the following services at home visits:

  • Regular health checkup
  • Physiotherapy
  • Home nursing/caregiver
  • Pathology
  • Dietician
  • Babysitter
  • Nanny/wardboy

Baby and Nursing services all over Bangladesh.

We provide home Baby and Nursing services all over Bangladesh. Have been providing Baby and Nursing services since several years with the aim of providing home Baby and Nursing services as per doctor's advice. Contact us from any part of Bangladesh. PATIENT DETAILS - Directly from the head office in a controlled manner, well-skilled and trained nurses will be delivered to your address. Babysitting is providing short-term child care. Although babysitting can be a paid profession for anybody, it is most commonly associated with early adolescent girls who are not yet old enough to work in the mainstream economy.

What is a Babysitter?

A babysitter is a person who will watch the child while the parents are out for a short period of time. It can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. A babysitter will start completing the following tasks at that time: entertaining the child, playing with them, helping them with their homework, preparing and feeding them meals on schedule, taking care of them, and watching out for the infant to make sure nothing bad happens. Babysitters are typically young adults in their 20s or teens. giving them the ability to be more passionate and lively so they can keep the infant continuously occupied without becoming tired too quickly. Babysitter and Nanny Service in Bangladesh.

What is a Nanny?

A nanny, on the other hand, will be more of a constant in the child's life. Baby will perform all of the following tasks and even more, like taking the children on outings and to school. A nanny can serve as a child's teacher, playmate, friend, advisor, and, to some extent, guardian, among other things. Youngster may frequently mistake a nanny for the mother due to the level of involvement they have.  nanny can perform additional tasks in addition to child care, such as occasionally cooking for the family, cleaning the house, and taking care of other family members when they are sick or in need. on vacation or preoccupied with other significant issues. As they frequently reside in the same home, nannies might be seen as an additional family member. Parents are more likely to prefer a nanny who is older, more experienced, mature, understanding, and patient when caring for children.

What Separates a Babysitter from a Nanny

Although their original goals are similar, there are some significant differences between them, such as the fact that a nanny can stay with the child for a longer period of time than a babysitter. While a nanny may occasionally perform other household duties for the family and make small decisions for the infant, a babysitter's only responsibility is to care for the child and strictly adhere to the regulations set forth by the parents. A nanny will be caring for the child regardless of whether the parents are present or not for a longer period of time, and in some situations, she will even live with the family. A babysitter is needed temporarily when the parents are briefly absent, such as for a few hours or a few days. 

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Baby Nanny Services:

Baby nanny services are an essential service for parents who need assistance with caring for their newborn or young child. Nannies are trained professionals who provide personalized care to children in the absence of their parents. They help parents by providing attentive and reliable care for their children, allowing them to focus on their work or other responsibilities. Baby nanny services are available in various formats, including full-time, part-time, live-in, and live-out nannies.

Baby Care Service:

Baby care services are designed to provide comprehensive care for newborns and young children. These services include feeding, diaper changing, bathing, and other necessary care for infants and toddlers. Baby care services are offered by trained professionals who have experience in caring for children. Parents can rely on these services to ensure their child is well-cared for while they are away.

Nanny Service in Bangladesh:

Nanny services in Bangladesh are designed to provide parents with reliable and attentive care for their children. These services are offered by trained professionals who have experience in caring for children. Nannies can provide personalized care for children in the absence of their parents, including feeding, diaper changing, and other necessary care. Nanny services in Bangladesh are available in various formats, including full-time, part-time, live-in, and live-out nannies.

Nanny Service in Dhaka:

Nanny services in Dhaka are designed to provide parents with reliable and attentive care for their children. Nannies can provide personalized care for children in the absence of their parents, including feeding, diaper changing, and other necessary care. Nanny services in Dhaka are offered by trained professionals who have experience in caring for children. Nanny services in Dhaka are available in various formats, including full-time, part-time, live-in, and live-out nannies.