Maisha Care Limited is the first dental care home service in Bangladesh. We have skilled dentists available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our skilled dentists will visit your home and provide dental services. Our dentist will go to your home and solve all your dental problems. For instance, dentures at home, root canal treatment, orthodontic treatment, and crowns and bridge etc. Dental Home Services offers complete in-home dental care in the convenience of your own House or an assisted living facility. Now, despite health, scheduling, or transportation issues, everyone can receive the dentals treatment they need! Convenience. You'll be astounded by the ease with which Dentals Home Services can convert your home, place of business, or assisted care facility into a mobile dental treatment room! Pleasure. Our courteous staff will assist you in remaining relaxed and comfortable while providing gentle mobile dental services in a nonthreatening setting. Concern. We offer the highest standard of at-home dental treatment possible thanks to our compassionate dentists and wide range of services. To ensure that your insurance provider pays you promptly, we can even assist you fill out and submit the necessary insurance documents.
Book at your preferred time and experience a hassle-free treatment at the most comfortable place you can think of; your home. Say bye bye to waiting lines and long traffic hours; save money and time. Whether it’s a root canal treatment or replacement of a missing tooth, we ensure right specialist handles the right case. Our dedicated team of experts ensure to cater to most of your issues in a single visit and thereby reduce the need for multiple sessions. We follow International Standards of treatment and Universal Precautions and Sterilization Techniques.
Do you need to cancel the long delayed dental appointment for your mother, father, and relative? Every week you promise yourself that you'll take her to the dentist on the weekend, but the weekend is always a surprise thanks to a work call or an unanticipated chore. Without a doubt, on Saturday! And it goes on... Are you unsure about how to do this? With the latest cutting-edge equipment, Maish Care Ltd. sets up a comprehensive dental office in your home.
We provide comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages, with a focus on the elderly, bedridden, and those with chronic illnesses, reducing the need for travel. The top dentists in each of our specialties support us. In addition to consultations, scaling, root canals, denture fabrication and replacement, crown placement, and any necessary braces, we are a one-stop shop for all of your dental requirements. In-home dental care in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
People who use our services typically suffer from conditions including Alzheimer's, dementia, stroke, Parkinson's, agoraphobia, or are bedridden for a variety of reasons. Our goal is to educate patients and those who care for them about the value of good oral health and how it affects the patient's general wellbeing while also providing high-quality, compassionate dental care to the homebound in the convenience of their own homes.
But cleanings are just one aspect of what we offer. We are equipped to handle the majority of tasks that a typical fixed office can, including extractions and the taking of x-rays. These tasks include composites, crowns, bridges, partials, dentures, relines, and denture modifications. We have cutting-edge mobile equipment, such as a compressor, a digital portable x-ray unit, and an intraoral camera. With the help of our software, we can take digital photos and x-rays, enhancing communication with the patient, caregiver, and accountable party (family or guarantor of the patient). +8801707-372002 Call for additional information.