Maisha Care Ltd.

Elbow Crutches Sticks

৳ 1,000.00


Weight 400 to 500 gram
Neck Shape Round
Is It Adjustable Adjustable
Usage/Application Medically used
Height 4 Feet
Material Aluminum

How to use your Elbow Crutches Sticks price in BD or two walking sticks

Elbow Crutches Sticks price in BD and two walking sticks are used by a variety of people for different reasons such as: If you are recovering from injuries requiring partial weight-bearing through the injured limb.

How to use

  • Ensure your arms are secured in the cuff if using crutches.
  • Place both crutches/walking sticks one step in front of you.
  • Move your affected leg forward level with the crutches/walking sticks.
  • Step to or through with the other leg.
  • Do not place your crutches/walking sticks too far in front of you, or too far out to the side.

Sitting down

  • Turn until you feel the chair against the back of both legs.
  • Release your arms from the cuff if using crutches.
  • Put the crutches/walking sticks down close to you.
  • Place your hands on the arms of the chair, bend forward, and slowly lower yourself into the chair.


  • Only attempt the stairs yourself if you feel safe, otherwise ask someone to help you.
  • Place one hand on the handrail and the crutches/walking sticks in the other hand.
  • You may wish to use the “T” hold. This will have been demonstrated to you by your physiotherapist if appropriate.


  • Step up with your good leg, followed by your affected leg onto the same step.
  • The crutches/sticks are the last to move up a level with your feet.


  • Place your crutches or walking sticks safely on the lower step keeping them away from the edge.
  • Step down with the affected leg.
  • Follow with the good leg onto the same step.
  • Make sure you place the whole foot onto the step.
  • Always take your time.


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